Flu season is causing clinics and EDs to be full of patients. The Health Ministry reported that for eight days in January, more than 306,600 people contracted the flu or were suspected of it. In December, 1.25 million people had visits. Doctors can't keep up with issuing sick leaves and prescriptions. One idea to speed up patient movement in facilities is a proposal that nurses should be able to issue short-term sick leave and prescriptions, especially for continuing treatment, that is, based on the doctor's initial order.
The nurses' and midwives' self-government has long advocated that nurses in primary care should be able to issue exemptions based on a patient's medical condition. Data from the National Health Service shows that the number of nurse prescriptions issued as a continuation of treatment is growing every year. While in 2016 there were 25,000, in 2021 nurses and midwives issued more than 3 million of them. By mid-October 2022, they had issued 3.6 million prescriptions. Pharmacists also have the right to issue prescriptions. According to data that Health Policy, obtained from the National Health Service, pharmacists issued 49,264 in 2021. And 2022, in the period from January to October- 21,218. The relatively small number of prescriptions from nurses or pharmacists is related to the lack of remuneration and a better cycle of training to improve knowledge and skills.