About the company

Znajdziesz tu wszyskie istotne informacje o firmie. Historia, polityka prywatności, kodeks etyczny oraz galerię zdjęć.


Tutaj znajdziesz najnowsze informacje o naszej firmie, a także newsy ze świata ratownictwa medycznego.


We love our work. We are united by the belief that every human life and health is precious. That's why we help all people when they are in need. We protect health and life. This is more than just a job. It is a service.

Ordering transportation

Wypełnij formularz, aby zamówić transport lub zadzwoń 22 535 91 52
Kliknij na wybranę przez Ciebie usługę i uzupełnij wszystkie dane

Private patients

Transport międzyszpitalny ZTM

The indicated date of transport
Ordering transport
Destination of patient transport
Patient data
Description of the patient's condition
Purpose of transportation
Information for the caller

The deadline for execution of the order will be given by a Falck Medicaid dispatcher by telephone. Receipt of the order is not equivalent to acceptance of the transport for execution by Falck Medycyna. The decision to accept transport for execution is made after medical qualification. Medical qualification is made after a conversation between a Falck Medycyna medical dispatcher and the doctor caring for the patient. Please provide direct telephone numbers. Falck Medicine performs inter-hospital transport of patients requiring intensive care on a bed-to-bed basis.

For safety reasons ( no possibility of stable security ), the Medical Transport Team DOES NOT take the patient's private belongings.

Eligibility conditions for medical transport:

The health care service is provided to the recipient in case of the need for transportation between providers providing guaranteed inpatient services, for the following conditions:
1) respiratory failure requiring artificial ventilation;
2) cardiovascular failure;
3) conditions requiring surgical intervention and after surgery;
4) other (e.g., seizures).

In the case of transport with a doctor, the hospital ordering the transport must provide a doctor for the duration of the transport; once the transport is completed, the doctor will be taken to the hospital ordering the transport.

Legal basis: Decree of the Minister of Health of February 15, 2019, amending the decree on guaranteed services in the field of hospital treatment.

W ciągu kilku minut od wysłania zlecenia transportu, dyspozytor medyczny Krajowego Centrum Operacyjnego Falck Medycyna skontaktuje się z Państwem celem wykonania kwalifikacji medycznej pacjenta do transportu. W przypadku braku kontaktu ze strony Falck Medycyna przez 15 minut proszę, aby lekarz opiekujący się pacjentem skontaktował się z Krajowym Centrum Operacyjnym pod numerami telefonu: 22 535 91 52

Umowy komercyjne

The indicated date of transport
Ordering transport
Destination of patient transport
Patient data
Description of the patient's condition
Purpose of transportation
Information for the caller

Termin realizacji zlecenia zostanie podany telefonicznie przez dyspozytora Falck Medycyna.

Within minutes of sending a transport order, a Falck Medicine National Operations Center medical dispatcher will contact you to perform the patient's medical qualification for transport. If there is no contact from Falck Medicine for 15 minutes, please have the doctor caring for the patient contact the National Operations Center at telephone numbers: 22 535 91 51

Transport POZ

The indicated date of transport
Ordering transport
Destination of patient transport
Patient data
Description of the patient's condition
Purpose of transportation
Information for the caller

Within minutes of sending a transport order, a Falck Medicine National Operations Center medical dispatcher will contact you to perform the patient's medical qualification for transport. If there is no contact from Falck Medicine for 15 minutes, please have the doctor caring for the patient contact the National Operations Center at telephone numbers: 22 535 91 51

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Na naszej stronie używamy ciasteczek, dzięki czemu jest ona dla Ciebie bardziej przyjazna i niezawodna. Korzystamy także z narzędzi analitycznych w celach statystycznych i marketingowych, aby dopasować treść reklam do Twoich potrzeb i zainteresowań. Twoja prywatność jest dla nas ważna. Więcej informacji na temat plików cookies znajdziesz w naszej polityce prywatności.