About the company

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Tutaj znajdziesz najnowsze informacje o naszej firmie, a także newsy ze świata ratownictwa medycznego.


We love our work. We are united by the belief that every human life and health is precious. That's why we help all people when they are in need. We protect health and life. This is more than just a job. It is a service.

Medical care

We operate wherever you need our help. We protect your health and life. Always.

Experienced, competent - doctors and physicians, paramedics and EMTs, nurses and nurse practitioners are at your service 24 hours a day, all year round. We care for the life and health of our patients by providing medical care at the highest level.
phone: 22 535 91 51
Write to us
We provide care from qualified and experienced doctors and physicians, nurses, paramedics and EMTs. With years of experience, we know how to provide the safety and needed help wherever you need it. We protect the health and life of you and your loved ones. Always.
If you are a private patient, get in touch with our National Operations Center and report your problem. We will respond immediately. Use the form available, send an email to the address indicated or call us! You can also take advantage of online advice.

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