About the company

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We love our work. We are united by the belief that every human life and health is precious. That's why we help all people when they are in need. We protect health and life. This is more than just a job. It is a service.

Health - this is what we most often wish for the next Christmas and New Year

Health - this is what we most often wish on the occasion of the next Christmas and New Year to ourselves, as well as to our friends. According to the WHO (World Health Organization), health is well-being, which we can only achieve if we take care of all its aspects. Physical, mental and social health. 

Constant stress, environmental pollution, highly processed foods are taking a toll on the health of more and more people. This means a relentless increase in cancer, diabetes, cardiovascular disease, or various types of allergies, all considered diseases of civilization. To maintain well-being, we don't need to perform complicated or expensive procedures. It's enough - a healthy, well-balanced diet (vegetables, fruits, little or no red meat, whole-grain products), proper hydration (at least 2 liters of water, not sodas), moderate but daily physical activity (a longer walk is Ok too!), adequate sleep (about 7 hours) and time for recovery and rest are the most important steps towards improving your well-being and extending the chad of your life. On top of that, regular visits to the doctor combined with a basic set of tests (urine, blood, cholesterol, among others) increase the chances of a healthy comfortable life. 

Too many of us believe that these simple measures will replace dietary supplements or even pills for so-called "all ailments. The CSO survey shows that as many as 74.4 percent of respondents admitted to using at least one drug or dietary supplement. The largest number, 47.2 percent, of respondents reach for painkillers. And pain is most often the first sign of a problem that should be addressed by a doctor, such as a Falck Medicine doctor. Pain drowned out by a pill can end up with serious health problems. 

As many as one-third of people over 65 take at least five medications a day, with record holders taking more than 20 active substances. Taking multiple medications at once increases the risk of complications and interactions. Don't put off your visit to the doctor. Call us, we will suggest what to do, what specialist to consult to be able to enjoy good health!

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