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We love our work. We are united by the belief that every human life and health is precious. That's why we help all people when they are in need. We protect health and life. This is more than just a job. It is a service.

Government extends epidemic restrictions

The list announced a draft of an amended Council of Ministers regulation on the establishment of certain restrictions, orders and bans in connection with the occurrence of an epidemic emergency. The government is extending the epidemic restrictions until April 30. Masks will remain mandatory in pharmacies, clinics and hospitals during this time. The Health Ministry has also dropped the daily reporting of the number of daily cases. But available data shows that about 2,000 cases of coronavirus infection are reported each day. More than 10 people die from COVID-19. A total of 6,480647 cases of illness and 119199 deaths have been reported so far. The first case of coronavirus infection in Poland was confirmed by the Ministry of Health on March 4, 2020. "Patient zero" was a resident of Cybinka. The epidemic was taking its toll in Italy, Spain and France. The government introduced the first restrictions (including a ban on mass events). On March 16, 2020, an epidemiological emergency was imposed in Poland. International flight connections were halted, only grocery stores, drugstores and pharmacies could be open. In the closed space, it was mandatory to cover the nose and mouth, and to maintain a social distance (1.5 meters). At the time, the number of illnesses was ... 25 new patients per day, and 150 people were ill nationwide. 

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