About the company

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We love our work. We are united by the belief that every human life and health is precious. That's why we help all people when they are in need. We protect health and life. This is more than just a job. It is a service.

New legislation - evaluation of quality indicators

The government plans to introduce new legislation that will ensure systematic evaluation of quality indicators through analysis of medical records. This is to ensure that the efficiency of diagnosis and treatment is improved through continuous improvement of clinical practice. Patient safety and satisfaction are to be improved by recording and monitoring adverse events. As part of the bill on quality in health care and patient safety, which was submitted to the Parliament just before Christmas:

  • Authorization will be introduced for entities performing medical activities with regard to their provision of publicly financed health care services. Authorization will be granted by the President of the NFZ with the participation of directors of provincial branches of the NFZ for a period of 5 years.
  • An internal quality and safety management system will be introduced. It will be mandatory for facilities that perform medical activities, regardless of the use of public funds. The system will be two-tiered: an internal one - conducted by the entity that performs therapeutic activity, and an external one (register of adverse events) - conducted by the Minister of Health. Entities that perform curative activities will publish information on the number of adverse events and the corrective and remedial actions implemented as part of their quality reports.
  • As part of the accreditation process, assessment procedures will be carried out by the NFZ to ensure that the applicant in question meets accreditation standards. As part of the procedure, an accreditation review will be conducted and a review report will be prepared.
  • The Minister of Health will grant or deny accreditation, and can also revoke accreditation. Assessment of compliance with the conditions will be made at the level of the NHF and the Accreditation Council. A system of compensation benefits will be in operation. The system will be operated by the Patient Ombudsman - replacing the current Provincial Commissions for Adjudication of Medical Events. A Medical Events Compensation Fund will be established. It is envisaged to introduce compensation without adjudication of guilt, aimed at determining whether a medical event has occurred in the case covered by the application and indicating the amount of benefit due to the applicant on this account. This benefit will be paid more quickly and efficiently than in proceedings before provincial commissions or in court proceedings. The amount of compensation benefit for one medical event will range from PLN 2,000 to PLN 200,000.

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