Desensitization is an effective method of treating allergies, i.e. sensitization of our body to various substances in our daily environment, such as dust mites, animal dander, fungal spores, but also household chemicals or foods such as nuts, strawberries and coffee. Most medications taken when allergens are present only weaken bothersome symptoms, but do not treat the cause of sensitization. Desensitization to year-round allergens is worth starting without looking at the season. In the case of allergies to grass or tree pollen, the most convenient time for desensitization is the autumn-winter season, or possibly early spring, when nature does not produce substances that allergenize us.
Desensitization involves administering progressively higher doses of an allergen to accustom the body to its presence. By raising the tolerance threshold, we teach the immune system to respond effectively, without triggering the entire system. Sometimes desensitization will not completely eliminate a certain hypersensitivity to a particular allergen, but it will provide opportunities to reduce or even discontinue allergy medications. It also eliminates the risk that a reaction to an allergen could take the life of the patient in question.
More than 150 million Europeans, including 13 million Poles, suffer from allergies of various types. Eight percent of us react to proteins present in cat saliva, urine and skin with sneezing and watery eyes. The number of those allergic to food products is about 17 million. In 2025, allergies will already affect one in two people in Europe. This is the most common of chronic diseases. The number of children with allergies has doubled in the last decade, and the number of visits to hospital emergency departments (EDs) has increased sevenfold in this group. Asthma associated with allergies will be the most common childhood disease.