About the company

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We love our work. We are united by the belief that every human life and health is precious. That's why we help all people when they are in need. We protect health and life. This is more than just a job. It is a service.

Transport of Patients of POZ

Free sanitary transport within the framework of primary health care (PHC).
Transport of primary care patients

Ordering transports

phone: 22 535 91 51
Order transportation
After completing the form, we will contact you to perform the patient's medical qualification for transport and arrange other details.

Free sanitary transport within the framework of primary health care (PHC) is available to patients in situations:

  • When there is a need for treatment of a specific condition at another treatment facility - with the exception of health or life emergencies;
  • For the continuity of treatment by the primary care physician.

This service includes transportation from the patient's place of residence to the provider and back. A referral for POZ sanitary transport is issued by a primary care physician. A patient, on the basis of an order from a health insurance physician (or health insurance feldsher), is entitled to free transportation by means of sanitary transport, including by air, to the nearest health care facility providing services in the appropriate scope (and back), in cases.

  • the need for immediate treatment in a health care facility (e.g., when a doctor, during a home visit or at an outpatient service site, determines that the Patient is in poor health and transport to a hospital is needed), excluding emergencies or life-threatening conditions - in such situations, an ambulance is called;
  • arising from the need to maintain continuity of treatment (e.g., transporting a patient from one hospital to another for, for example, tests or continuation of treatment);
  • In the case of musculoskeletal dysfunctions that prevent the use of public transportation (transport of the Patient for treatment).
Medical transportation price list

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